Qatar: a comprehensive guide to private schools.

a guide to schools in Qatar

UPDATED: July 2021

As some of you might already know, after moving back to Poland for 8 months, we had made a decision to return to Qatar!. We all love it here and can’t stay away! 🙂 This means that we had to look for a school for Adam (agaaaain…). Being an obsessive planner, I’ve prepared a file with all schools which are even remotely worth considering, with all necessary info, including location, curriculum, fees and their website.

Once I was done with my Qatar school guide, I showed it to hubby. He was really impressed, even though he initially thought that tuition fees are in fact telephone numbers… 😀 Actually, that’s not funny. Especially if we have to pay the fees ourselves! When I look at the cost I am so very grateful that we don’t have, say, 4 school-aged kids!

Once I finished the spreadsheet, I thought to myself: hey, this might help other parents in Doha make their choice, too! I know I’m a bit late to the party, as most schools are already in the middle of their admission process for the school year 2021-2022. Regardless, I still decided to share it with the world, especially considering that due to the current situation, there are more spaces left in good international schools than usual! 🙂

Download the full Qatar school guide below. It’s printable in A4 format:

Download The Guide

You’re welcome 🙂 I hope it will prove useful to you as it did to me.


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